Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Babywatch: Christmas 3:02 PM

Merry Christmas everyone! Posing for what will hopefully be the last picture with baby on the inside. Why, you ask? Two words- castor oil. Marita has bravely served herself a smoothie seasoned with the stuff, recommended to help jumpstart contractions, and if not clean her out real good. Too much information you say? Okay, I digress.
In the meantime, don't get your hopes too high for immediate results, its not like we're in labor yet- just enjoying a wonderful holiday with the family. It's snowing here, and join us in hoping for one more miracle before we're done, although this one not global warming related. Happy holidays, all.
marita, ian, and wondering-what-in-tarnation-this-gross-oil-stuff-coming-her-way-is Liliana.


Mia said...

Good luck with the castor oil. I hear it works...but sometimes you have to drink a lot of it...

Good thing I didn't bet on a baby pool for this one..

liz said...

Best of luck with the castor oil - i hope it does everything you want it to, and nothing you don't. Marita, you look fantastic! (And Ian is a fox in his PJs too! :) )