Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Babywatch: 1:52 PM

There are currently 11 people staying in our house, and none of them is our baby. Not yet- there were some promising contractions yesterday evening and into the night, but they had disappeared by morning. We're now officially 2 weeks past due. Today we had another ultrasound, and everything looks- you guessed it- completely normal. Also, Marita had an accupuncture appointment this morning, which was very relaxing ,but alas- not even needles have been able to dislodge our daughter from her hiding spot today.

So. . .we wait. And relax. And enjoy our dreams of our daughter- Marita had one last night in which she was born with a completely squished nose, so quickly the midwife didn't arrive in time, and then we all ate BBQ ribs. If there's any signifigance to that, we simply can"t find it ( :

Anway, I hope you got everything you wanted or didn't want for Christmas. Thanks for tuning in.

aloha. marita, ian, and liliana.


Sonja said...

I predict Dec 28. Hang in there!

Mugs said...

I hope they weren't dreams of baby back ribs... :D

Anonymous said...

Maybe her middle name should be "Patience" because you surely are learning that lesson. We all are! Merry 2nd day of Christmas to you
Here's a link that might help induce labor. It involves eggplant, which was what I ate to help me...and it worked! Time to think outside the womb. :)

Anonymous said...

Squashed nose? At least Marita's having dreams of grandiose literary pretensions. Could be worse... which reminds me... skip Alien v. Predator: Requiem at all costs. Violent birthing images abound, but it generally just sucks.

Anonymous said...

Will everyone hate me if I say December 29th is a GREAT birthday? I have had it for almost 32 years now, and it's worked for me.

Jenni says eat spicy Ethiopian food. It worked for her.

liz said...

Yay promising contractions! I went into real labor about 8 hours after a set of promising contractions dissipated. Every day brings her closer! :)

Anonymous said...

I have fingers crossed and am thinking of you both all the time and wishing I could do some belly rubbing!!! I hope the Castor oil works with you... but remember no matter how, where or when she arrives, it will be amazing, and loverly!!!! much love to you both carrie

Mom said...

Licorce, castor things that make you poop lead to labor. Tell Ian to run out and get you a Domino's pizza, some Ethiopian food, and maybe some Mongolian grill.

Chris and I are sending our good thoughts your way!

Anonymous said...

Dascha and I are wishin' you the best!

See you two, AND Lil Liliana soon!

n8 said...

PB and Jelly
rub it on the big belly
then add some pickles

nice footies Ian..

Theresa said...

Hey you two, hope you're having a good Thursday! Does no post today mean Liliana will be joining us soon?

Waiting to hear,

Edith said...

Hi guys Nothing on the blog today. I hope it means that labor has started
Take it easy sweathart any day now I am sure
Wish you three an easy and fast birth.
I jump each time the phone rings
love you very much Nana